Travel Can Transform You
Transformational travel has an amazing way of opening your eyes and your heart.
Traveling intentionally is about more than seeing new places or checking off bucket lists. It is about truly experiencing countries-their unique cultures, languages, and people in a deep, meaningful way.
“Tourists visit, Travelers explore”
- Unknown

We Offer
We can arrange deep cultural exchanges during your travels. Sample examples are: visiting a Mayan family’s home, playing soccer or sharing a piñata with children in a local village, participating in a life-changing volunteer project, or piranha fishing in the Amazon.
Whether celebrating a milestone birthday, a big anniversary, a girls’ getaway, a recent graduation, or a retirement, we can plan a memorable trip to help you commemorate the event.
Culinary, language, wine, nature, or wellness focused custom trips. Some examples of specialized travel are a papusa making class in El Salvador, visiting a Mexican mezcal farm for a tour and tasting, one-on-one Spanish class with a local in Central America, an ocean front yoga retreat, pick-up truck ride up the side of a volcano to a local coffee farm and more.
If you own a small business or manage an organization and have dreamed of hosting a retreat, but don’t know where to start, we can help. We will help you choose a location, lodging, and extraordinary interactive experiences related to your specific business. We can also help you craft compelling marking materials to appeal to your ideal customers.
Get a taste of the kind of experiences we offer
Enjoying a hot air balloon ride over Colombia coffee lands
Overnight in a hotel made completely of salt
Taking a boat over crystalline waters in Bocas del Toro to spot hundreds of starfish
Interactive experience with a local indigenous community
Touring the Belizean jungle with a local shaman and learning how his family cultivates chocolate
Staying in a luxurious treehouse in the heart of the Amazon
Spotting pink dolphins in the wild
Milking cows and making homemade tortillas on a Nicaraguan farm
Hiking ancient Mayan ruins with howler monkeys swinging from the branches overhead
Practicing Spanish with a native speaker in a bustling market in Guatemala
Drinking wine at the highest elevation winery in the world

Countries we specialize in:
Costa Rica
El Salvador
Puerto Rico
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the tradewinds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
― Mark Twain